
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adieu =] @ 7:59 PM
“Think how you love me,' she whispered. 'I don't ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember.'

'You'll always be like this to me.'

'Oh no, but promise me you'll remember.' Her tears were falling. 'I'll be different, but somewhere lost inside me there'll always be the person I am tonight."

- From Magnetism

I'm closing this place and the above is for all of you who believe in love. Jiayou =)

To dance
along the light of day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

day 2 @ 10:05 PM
Today I was reminded that there is no fear in love.



To dance
along the light of day.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why I hate religion, but love Jesus @ 8:06 PM

Exactly, thank you.

To dance
along the light of day.

銘心 刻骨 永恆 @ 7:51 PM
Day one

今天上了课,感觉还不错。 这个学期上的课,用中、英、法, 三种语言。棒吧?很喜欢田馥甄,Hebe 的歌。 最近听得还不错。 期待她的新专辑:)


不確定就別親吻 感情很容易毀了一個人
一個人若不夠狠 愛淡了不離不棄多殘忍

你留下來的垃圾 我一天一天總會丟完的
我甚至真心真意的祝福 永恆在你的身上先發生

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你還是要幸福 我才能確定我還得很清楚
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
明天 開始 這一切都結束

還我鑰匙的備份 我覺得再見可以很單純
我甚至真心真意的祝福 永恆在你的身上先發生

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你還是要幸福 我才能確定我還得很清楚
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
明天 開始 這一切都結束

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你如果很幸福 半夜的簡訊我就無需回覆
因為你的悲喜已經有了 容身之處 我也 能有 最純粹的孤獨

最孤獨 的孤獨

To dance
along the light of day.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Can't stop @ 4:11 AM
To think that some part of me is going to die again after tonight- someone, help.

To dance
along the light of day.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lover, you should've come over @ 12:04 AM
I give up. Maybe for today, maybe for the rest of the days.

But I'm too tired to come to a decision now. Glad I finished Brass for my night's sleep.

To dance
along the light of day.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Midnight rain @ 1:11 AM
"It's a quarter after one, I've lost control and I need you now." What am I suppose to do with you, you goldfish.

To dance
along the light of day.